Sunday, 26 January 2014

work work work... But little to show @_@

Weeks like these are hard on moral, where I work a lot and feel like there is "nothing to show for it". But its only because nothing is finished! I need results! *blegh!!*

I've been plunking away at the BadKitty website, and practicing art. Working with 3DCG and practicing good poses and everything. and tinkering away at the city and some interaction pieces... I don't have a for-real update for my game, even though I have been working like a crazy person lately!!! I probably don't have manysolidthings done because I've been spreading myself thin in terms of focusing on many diffrent things.

Sooooooo! Yeah! Here take a look at some in-progress stuff!


Sooooooo here's part of how I'm gonig to be doing the CGs in the game. the top picture is the snap right out of 3DCG. I was really bugged by the aliasing and just the jaggy lines.. ugh so I popped it into OC and did a short bit of line touching up. It's a small quick thing I can do and it makes me feel quite a bit better about the image quality.

Originally I had the ambitious idea to do all the images by hand... buuuuuutttt considering that a digital painting with a nice backround takes like... 15-20 hours it wasn't feasable. But I still want everything to look great! Ah well, evenif no one else notices a diffrence I'll be happy with it. ehehe

I also drew up some images to use in the new re-mixes of the Harem Collector & HC: Fairy Side.

Here's the game again~
(will upload to other sites on request)


  1. I love the dedication you are putting to the game and ofcourse there is a big diference between the first one and the second one, BTW I like your artwork but I just love images done by 3DCG so keep up the good work and I hope we get to see a scene next time ;)

    1. Thank you so much! I too think 3DCG Makes very cue pictures! =3=
      By the way thing are moving the next update will have everything to make the intro complete. Objects to interact with and inspect, people to talk to, shops, the sexy stuff!

  2. why is no one commenting??? if there are no comments magiclady will drop it :( we have to encourage her people!! come on!!! for a greater fap! I mean game!

    1. ahah I won't give up on the game ^_^;;;;;
      but feedback is always apreciated.
