Saturday, 11 January 2014

Figured I should make new post.

Today I worked a bit on code but felt myelf getting burned out and sad at my inability to keep up with myself, so  switched gears and worked on some other things for HC (the website and some other goodies)

Sorry that there's nothing good yet for you guys to look at... I'm pretty dissapointed in myself.

But I thought I'd talk a bit about my intended updating scedual?
Originally when I was worknig on the more conceptual parts of my game and planning things out with Noah, we planned that one of us would update every 2 weeks. Obviously whne he was doing his long hard think about his own update process I did the same for mine.
Since I have a few other time consuming responsibilities that furthur HC and/or HC:FS (Allong with quite a few Real Life factors) I needed to think about how to blance thigns properly. For me the answer is that I will have smaller but more frequent updates, and will have stated 'time off' if I need to shift my focus for a few weeks onto somethign else. so you might see an update every week but they might be like JUST bug fixes or JUST a few graphical or writing changes. This I think will yeild the best results from me as a worker.

Here is the link if you want to try out the very broken start to the game.
nope no more link here~ link removed!

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