I've been plunking away at the BadKitty website, and practicing art. Working with 3DCG and practicing good poses and everything. and tinkering away at the city and some interaction pieces... I don't have a for-real update for my game, even though I have been working like a crazy person lately!!! I probably don't have manysolidthings done because I've been spreading myself thin in terms of focusing on many diffrent things.
Sooooooo! Yeah! Here take a look at some in-progress stuff!
Sooooooo here's part of how I'm gonig to be doing the CGs in the game. the top picture is the snap right out of 3DCG. I was really bugged by the aliasing and just the jaggy lines.. ugh so I popped it into OC and did a short bit of line touching up. It's a small quick thing I can do and it makes me feel quite a bit better about the image quality.
Originally I had the ambitious idea to do all the images by hand... buuuuuutttt considering that a digital painting with a nice backround takes like... 15-20 hours it wasn't feasable. But I still want everything to look great! Ah well, evenif no one else notices a diffrence I'll be happy with it. ehehe
I also drew up some images to use in the new re-mixes of the Harem Collector & HC: Fairy Side.
Here's the game again~
(will upload to other sites on request)