Sunday, 26 January 2014

work work work... But little to show @_@

Weeks like these are hard on moral, where I work a lot and feel like there is "nothing to show for it". But its only because nothing is finished! I need results! *blegh!!*

I've been plunking away at the BadKitty website, and practicing art. Working with 3DCG and practicing good poses and everything. and tinkering away at the city and some interaction pieces... I don't have a for-real update for my game, even though I have been working like a crazy person lately!!! I probably don't have manysolidthings done because I've been spreading myself thin in terms of focusing on many diffrent things.

Sooooooo! Yeah! Here take a look at some in-progress stuff!


Sooooooo here's part of how I'm gonig to be doing the CGs in the game. the top picture is the snap right out of 3DCG. I was really bugged by the aliasing and just the jaggy lines.. ugh so I popped it into OC and did a short bit of line touching up. It's a small quick thing I can do and it makes me feel quite a bit better about the image quality.

Originally I had the ambitious idea to do all the images by hand... buuuuuutttt considering that a digital painting with a nice backround takes like... 15-20 hours it wasn't feasable. But I still want everything to look great! Ah well, evenif no one else notices a diffrence I'll be happy with it. ehehe

I also drew up some images to use in the new re-mixes of the Harem Collector & HC: Fairy Side.

Here's the game again~
(will upload to other sites on request)

Monday, 20 January 2014

Art post: Halloweenies 2013

I need to do more art. I'll be trying to spend a whole day a week on my tablet.
Problem is motivation?
I used to be drawing all the time. then I got super duper burned out... I havnt' gotten into the habbit of drawing regularly since. I need more encouragement! (you know from myself)

Both Noah and I agree there shoudl be more art of the HC gals and I've been meaning to do the HC:FS characters too. If nothing else it's more content foryou guys to enjoy, but there might be more uses for pictures too so we'll have to see!

Gonig to re-post the halloween pics now that I have my own blog ^__^;;
Mostly for my own encouragement!

Here's the game again~
(will upload to other sites on request)

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

HUUFFF HUFF! Somethign to show you guys!

(will upload to other sites on request)

Taking down the links to the old/broken version.

OKAY there are some thigns still missing and I want to be very transperent about it

The biggest deal is that the sex scenes are still jsut placeholders. I want them to be VERY good. I'd rathre there be a placeholder then somethign of poor quality. I hope you can be patient on this front, because I'm putting a lot of work into making it very good. Each segment will be 6 pics long with scripted dialouge to go with.

There are no shops yet, and the city is quite devoid of population. This will be attended to soon! (probably sooner then the sex scenes to be honest) there will soon be some neat little things to explore around the desert town of Malak, and some observable things in the main cahracter's house.

Also! I'll be taking in bug reports now! but only in the form of blog comments and emails~ (IE, I don't want to bog down the threads on forums)

Hope you enjoy and talk to you guys soon!

I didn't warn you guys that there is no music!!
Noah gave me a bunch of music and the file got big when I compressed it! so I took it all out so that could go through it. So yes this will be upcoming soon!

One Day More!

Oops More musical theatre references!

Tomorow I'll have a playable version of the game!
It lacks the sex scenes and only has place holders for now. Same witha few other images that I intend to make in 3DCG. It's also missing a people in the town and fun clickable thigns to explore.

Within a few days (a week tops) I'll have a version where there are said explorable things. With the sex scenes to follow after. Not sure how long after, maybe a week or two tops?

I'm so excited and releaved that I can remove the broken version offline!
Thanks everyone for your patience!

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Figured I should make new post.

Today I worked a bit on code but felt myelf getting burned out and sad at my inability to keep up with myself, so  switched gears and worked on some other things for HC (the website and some other goodies)

Sorry that there's nothing good yet for you guys to look at... I'm pretty dissapointed in myself.

But I thought I'd talk a bit about my intended updating scedual?
Originally when I was worknig on the more conceptual parts of my game and planning things out with Noah, we planned that one of us would update every 2 weeks. Obviously whne he was doing his long hard think about his own update process I did the same for mine.
Since I have a few other time consuming responsibilities that furthur HC and/or HC:FS (Allong with quite a few Real Life factors) I needed to think about how to blance thigns properly. For me the answer is that I will have smaller but more frequent updates, and will have stated 'time off' if I need to shift my focus for a few weeks onto somethign else. so you might see an update every week but they might be like JUST bug fixes or JUST a few graphical or writing changes. This I think will yeild the best results from me as a worker.

Here is the link if you want to try out the very broken start to the game.
nope no more link here~ link removed!

Thursday, 9 January 2014


Okay so,

Dispite so so SO many external forces getting in my way I WANTED to show something off today becasue 8 is my lucky number, and it's been one hell of a month/season.

So here it is.

THERES A LOT LOT LOT missing, wrong and placeholding. I'm gonig to update it later tonight and again a few times over the next few days. I'm sorry it's not in the greatest shape yet, but for me, I needed to throw a little something into the universe

So don't bother with bug reviews yet, I know there's a lot going on,  just have a little chuckle with me.

Also! Admire all of Noah's gorgious work @___@  I'm still getting used to RPG maker... I know action script like the back of my hand but learning new programming is well... like learning a new language! I don't quite have the logistics in control yet.

Anyhoo thanks for indulging me!!

<3 <3 <3 <3

nope no more link here~ link removed!

I worked for an other 3.5 hours on it before the need to colapse!
Tomorow around this time I plan to have a cpoy of the game on it's feet that at LEAST has all the dialouge properly in. next phase will be populating the city and making more things to look at/interact with. and of course CGs.

Sadly I have to go back on my promise. There's no update today... Over the past week I've been pushing myself very hard and spreading myself thin. Today I am resting @____@ Tomorow I've got the day to myelf so I'm sure there will be somethign to show for it!

Monday, 6 January 2014

*running around in circles*

the next little bit I'm going to be working really really hard!But I'm crossing my fingers that people will have fun! even if it's not much and it's short!

Can't wait to share this with you guys! YEEEE

Thursday, 2 January 2014

A Skeleton with bits of Meat on it

... But also some organs in a sanitized box to be implanted when there is more MEAT on the skeleton (or at whatever point organs go in when you're making a human body from scratch I don't really have experience in the field)

This is what my game looks like now. Which is good! I think I'll finish with a few days to spare so I can throw the game to my playtest assistant and have some extra time to beef up graphics

I'm bummed though, I wanted to have some cute posts with previews to the characters and some fun facts and all that junk! All the holiday merriment got in the way, along with a weird sinus issue @_@

All in all I'm totally ready for the 8th and like... I'm so hyped to show this to you guys!!