Wednesday, 2 April 2014

*bows deeply* I'm sorry for inactivity @__@

I havn't had much to say so I've been avoiding fillnig in the silence with stuff that's meaningless.
I'd like to write more blogs, but am stuck for topics? NoMosh's blogs are so interesting @___@ I want my blog to be fun to read too!  I have a lot of thougth/opinions about games/hentai/other issues, but I'm not sure what peoepl are interested hearing about. Let me know if you have any thoughts on this matter!

I've been having a struggling with my health quite a bit this month, and have in turn found it difficult to find motivation to work on the biggest parts of FS (the sex scene art).  The CGs are all done and they are in post (the line work and photoshop phase) I am working slowly on them, as they are still VERY time consuming and draining.

In spite of this I've been tinkering a lot with other things; Improving my art, working on pieces of code, bugfixing other parts of FS. Website work... I've also been tinkering with other games, I've done a LOT of pre-production for a choose your own adventure format (that can be applied to man diffrent games/sotires) aannndddd a little adventure game that was made during a coding jam with NoMosh.

The little adventure  game will be pretty fun I hope, and I might tidy it up and post before FS launches. I's very silly and lighthearted. I hope you guys like it. It features a diffrent fairy, she is called the Candy Fairy, and she is vaugly in world with HC & FS.

Her name is Dulcys. She is extreamly fun and I adore her!

Thanks for reading!


  1. I'll give you my thought process for following blogs like this.

    *Opens up Feedly* 'Aww, no one's updated their blog today. Sadness

    *Opens up Feedly* 'Ooooo, awesome, new posts on the h-games I follow! Read. That was awesome!'

    In other words....I just like reading posts. Even if you have nothing to say. Even if it's just like... 'Haven't made too much progress. Played a cool h-game I liked, called blah. It was neat, check it out. Bye!'

    "I'd like to write more blogs, but am stuck for topics?"

    In no particular order
    -Things about the game/progress
    -Your experience writing the game.
    -Other h-games you like.
    -Things about h-games you like.
    -General thoughts on h-stuff / sex/ sexuality / etc.
    - Anything remotely related to any of the above.
    - Anything else you want to write about. Err on the side of sharing too much. If I don't think a post will be interesting, I just won't read it, I won't decide I don't like this blog anymore, unless it's like... 20 posts in a row about a new colour of paint that you really like :)

    1. Thanks for your thoughts Pure! =D
      I'll try not to be scared of Sharing Violations anymore! eheheh

  2. Regarding the game Harem Collecter Fairy Side, one thing I can say off hand that I think would be neat would be descriptions for all background. Like when you walk up to say the bottles next to the bed, you should get something that says "These are from the other night when I got WASTED. I should probably clean them up at some point.....nah, I'll have one of my future slaves do it!"

    If you want, I could end up writing up some of that.

    1. This something that has been updated, it's just been many month since I've published a new version.... the one downloadable ATM is the alpha version. I'll have a beta out sometime in the next few weeks!

      Hope you'll give it an other try when it's out
