Friday, 7 February 2014


I will be updating Fairy Side on Monday!!!

I am so overjoyed!
It'll finaly have the CGs in it, and explorable, shops, abetter balanced dungeon and some other stuff. Noah's pitched in a whole heap of help in the code. I'm super duper excited!!!! I hope people like it!!! =D  I've worked hard both on the site, and on the game and it'll be nice to have osmething more polished to show off!

I have not much else to say. Brain fried by CSS code @_@

So instead have some silly screep caps from HC XD

From before Elyiah's custom face. Felix looks like he's a hat.



  1. I look forward to the release on Monday.

  2. Also, If you haven't already. It would help if you put a sign in front of all the houses you can enter that tell you who lives there, since without a sign you'd have to go into every single house until you find the right one.

    1. I plan on doing signs where they are needed. Places like shops or other ther public buildings. Places where peopel theoretically live won't have signs. If Conall and Saskia's houses are too hard for many people to find then I'll put a diffrent distinct marker there.

  3. Oh no.. 3 hobos in front of a bonfire and a trapped dog.....
    (Hobo x 3) + (Hunger x 3) + Bonfire + Trapped Dog = Barbeque Time.

    1. Evil WML, that dog gonna curse you >P

      By the way, may I know what program you used to clean the jagged lines in Sunday, 26 January 2014 post ???

    2. I use open canvis! and Carlos~ * 3*
      (carlos is the name of my tablet)

      I've been meaning to give sai arealy acualy go, but... I've been sing open canvis for so so long.... @___@

    3. You gotta teach me how to clean it like you did >P

    4. Ahaha I'm a very poor teacher? I jsut put a new layer over the original image and corrected colour on that layer, then made a 3rd layer and just... made lines tracing over the original ones with a 2 pixel brush! uhh I guess the important key would be to remember to use the colour of hte original line your trying to make nicer, and to make sure your pressure sensitivity is where you need ti to be to make your best work =3 For me personally I use the same tequniques aswhen I'm "inking" a scetch

    5. Oookaaay, I'll try it later after I recover from this brain im- and explosion--I mean after I buy a digital pen.
      Thanks for the tutorial ^^

      Oh wow, 16PM on comment log, yet 4AM at where I am irl.... yay-ism

      Btw, if you don't mind, remind Moshing to check his e-mail when you see/tracked/spotted him :D
