Thursday, 20 February 2014



Maybe this is how it feels when someone is responsible for a baby happening.
Maybe not =/
I ahve no experience on the matter

All that I know is that I worked SO AHRD on it and I'm happy wiht hte results for now! It still needs some work, little tweeks here and there. but I can take that more slowly!

Check it out!

Here! have a super untidy and fast picture of Saskia and the Changeling IN CELEBRATION

in celebration of the new site, and for the fact that I'll be putting my main focus back on Fairy Side!!!

Take care everyone and hope to chat on the forums!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Empty Hands (maybe?!)

Soooooooooooooooooooo you were probably expecting a game yesterday.
And it's not here. and it's the second time I've not made a certain deadline and I feel like I'm letting peoeple down.
So if you were really really looknig forward to seeing the completed fairyside first update.... I'm really really sorry =( I hope you'll forgive me and come back when it is done.

Seeing as this is the 2nd time I needed to think really hard about how I'm doing things and how I can make sure to be good to the peopel who want to play my game. I need to give myself a level of flexibility becasue I have a chroic health problem that effects me everyday which for the most part I have it under control. However without warning I'll be non-functional. Occasionally it'll last ceveral days. I never budgets time for these occurences because I never know when they will happen.

So here is what I propose instead. I will make no date promises. I will update when I can, and as often as I'm capable. When I update it will be without warning. In exchange for patience on the end of you guys I will be blogging as much as possible to keep people updated on progress I'm making. More importantly once a week I will make an image post, or a post that contains art, screen caps, pixel art, inprogress images, other eyecandy, ETC. Hopefully this will help make a visit to myblog more exciting whileyou wait!

In that spirit I'm also going ot talk aobtu my love for 3DCG!! and have some screens to share.
These arn't cleaned up like the last one I shared =/ Sorry for this!

These are some raw images that'll be in the game itself!

But when I work in 3DCG I almsot ALWAYS take many diffrent angles of one pose. so I have a lot of spares floating around. I think I'll make a gallery and peopel can view it as baker incentive =3. After a time I'll make the iamges public... but probably atmy leasure and a month or two after putting them in the backers album.

Anyhoo, I hop you all are well!
I'll be gone for a week so I can cosplay and be a big nerd~ so I'll post somethign fun next week

Friday, 7 February 2014


I will be updating Fairy Side on Monday!!!

I am so overjoyed!
It'll finaly have the CGs in it, and explorable, shops, abetter balanced dungeon and some other stuff. Noah's pitched in a whole heap of help in the code. I'm super duper excited!!!! I hope people like it!!! =D  I've worked hard both on the site, and on the game and it'll be nice to have osmething more polished to show off!

I have not much else to say. Brain fried by CSS code @_@

So instead have some silly screep caps from HC XD

From before Elyiah's custom face. Felix looks like he's a hat.


Sunday, 2 February 2014

Web stuffins!

so lately I've had to slow down work on my game so that I could put my effort into making the home for HC, HC:FS

which is due to launch on HC's dirthday! (the 14th of feb!)
I'm not a professional graphic designer, or webmaster, but I'm woring very hard to make something that looks nice =D

Sooo yes! It'll be the bad Kitty Games home page~  I don't ahve much to show rihgt now but here's the logo for the game company! (/=3=)/ (I feel like the kerning needs work... but this is nice for now~)

As for Fairy Side.... I'm slowly creeping allong making the CGsin a way that makes me happy, so next itme I update that should be in there. Hopefully I can also make some fun explorable stuff too!we'll see. I can't waitto go back to focusing on my game. Even just that first little bit needs a lot of refining!

Here's the game again-again~
(will upload to other sites on request)